Litigation (CLE)

Fiduciary Duty Claims Litigation: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Legal Challenges


The litigation landscape for fiduciary duty claims has been continuously evolving with the recent developments and court rulings. As the number of lawsuits increase, companies are confronted with a myriad of challenges and compliance hurdles. Failure to maintain a good fiduciary relationship could pose risks of litigation which may result in monetary penalties and reputational damages.

Appraisal Litigation: Trends, Developments, and Best Practices for Companies


Over the past years, several court rulings have successfully shaped and influenced the appraisal litigation landscape, which resulted in a dramatic decline in both the number of business appraisal petitions and case filings. However, with several cases still pending, additional changes and issues may continue to proliferate leaving ambiguities for companies and their counsel.

A Comprehensive Guide on Toxic Tort Litigation: Trends and Best Practices Explored


The number of toxic tort claims has aggressively increased over the past years, prompting several regulatory revamps. In this legally complex area of law, businesses and their counsel must keep themselves abreast of emerging developments that continue to transpire. Having an in-depth understanding of the litigation procedures and case strategies is essential to avoid drawbacks.

A Practical Guide to Litigation Finance in 2022: Exploring Key Legal Trends


Opportunities for financiers and consumers continue to flourish as litigation finance becomes more and more mainstream. However, despite the benefits that abound, challenges and drawbacks still emerge, including the conflicts of interest between clients and financiers, particularly in executing financing agreements. Thus, law firms and all businesses concerned are called to intensify their relationship with financiers and rethink ways to budget and monetize claims.

Class Action Litigation: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Best Defense Strategies


The rising competition among several industries including the healthcare and digital platforms has continuously challenged economic fairness and posed compliance hurdles for practitioners specifically under the Sherman Act. Some of the violations include price fixing, rigging contract bids, and allocating consumers between businesses that should be competing for them.

Implications of GEICO v. Whiteside on Bad Faith Litigation: A Comprehensive Analysis


In this LIVE Webcast, a panel of thought leaders and professionals brought together by The Knowledge Group will provide and present an in-depth analysis of the fundamentals as well as recent developments in Implications of GEICO v. Whiteside on Bad Faith Litigation: A Comprehensive Analysis. Speakers will also present all important issues surrounding this significant topic. Join us for this Knowledge Group Webinar!

Asbestos Litigation: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Defense Strategies


In this LIVE Webcast, a panel of thought leaders and professionals brought together by The Knowledge Group will provide and present an in-depth analysis of the fundamentals as well as recent developments in Asbestos Litigation: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Defense Strategies. Speakers will also present all important issues surrounding this significant topic. Join us for this Knowledge Group Webinar!

Lost Profit Damages Litigation: Recent Trends, Developments, and Defense Strategies Explored


The lost profit damages litigation landscape unceasingly shifts as emerging trends and court rulings continue to reshape the current paradigm. Notably, the economic disruption brought by the COVID-19 pandemic further complicates the calculation of damages, particularly for claims involving breach of contract or business interruption insurance.

Punitive Damages in Asbestos Litigation: What You Must Know and Do


The past years have recorded a significant number of punitive damages awards in asbestos-related lawsuits. However, granting of punitive damages awards can pose critical issues in asbestos litigation. This is because the potential for punitive damages can profoundly affect the plaintiff verdict and may increase the settlement values of asbestos-related claims.

Construction Defect Litigation and Insurance Coverage: What You Must Know and Do


The construction industry has been hounded by unprecedented threats and other legal pitfalls. Various claims for damage to property or persons arising from construction projects, often expose companies and individuals to the risk of costly litigation. In order to prevent or limit risks arising from such claims, general contractors, subcontractors, and owners must adopt an insurance program that will effectively mitigate the risks of claims and potentially provide a source for coverage and recovery.

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