Litigation (CLE)

Litigation Finance on the Rise: Demystifying Trends, Opportunities, and Best Practices


Litigation finance continues to rise and become a substantial financing tool for everyone today. Because law firms and corporate clients greatly suffered from liquidity constraints and unstable balance sheets brought by the pandemic, they have begun looking for alternative ways to finance legal disputes by engaging with litigation funders. Notably, the increased access to litigation finance has offered considerable advantages and has been widely recognized by bar associations and courts.

Effective Pre-Trial and Evidentiary Hearings Preparation: Key Considerations to Mitigate Risks


Several issues and concerns continue to bring widespread complications in the pre-trial and evidentiary hearing procedures. Adding to these challenges is the imposed shift of standard practices to virtual hearings in aims to curtail the effects of COVID-19. However, because an individual presence is vital to obtain credible evidence, several courts have not been able to hold hearings remotely, resulting to delays. Thus, counsel to businesses and companies must remain cognizant of the practical strategies to carefully alleviate the risks and pitfalls.

ADA Litigation: Trends, Developments, and Challenges to Watch Out For


The past years have seen changing tides on the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) litigation landscape. The number of lawsuits filed in federal courts, which chiefly stemmed from alleged violations on websites and mobile application accessibility, has continuously increased. As regulatory developments and court decisions are yet to unfold, the ADA litigation landscape remains uncertain. Thus, businesses and their counsel must keep themselves in the know of any emerging update in this field of law. They must also revisit their practices to ensure ADA compliance and dodge potential lawsuits.

Consumer Class Action: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Legal Challenges


Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of consumer class action lawsuits drastically upsurged in various industries. The regulatory paradigm has also significantly evolved with recent court decisions shedding light on future class action lawsuits. As the landscape remains uncertain, businesses and their counsel should keep themselves in the know of any emerging development in this field of law. They must also plan for effective litigation strategies to avoid mishaps.

COVID-19 Implications to Securities Litigation and Regulation: What You Must Know and Do


The number of securities lawsuits have proliferated across various industries since the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak. These filings arose from alleged concealed COVID-19 threats, misleading pandemic-related treatments and services, and inadequate disclosure of the pandemic's impact on financial operations and prospects.

Lost Profit Damages Litigation: Trends, Updates, and Challenges Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought an immense economic toll on businesses across the globe. Specifically, it prompted a spike in the number of lost profit damages lawsuits as businesses seek to recover lost profits because of pandemic-related damages. However, although there are various damage calculation theories available, pandemic-related lost profit claims can be taxing and challenging. Thus, businesses and their counsel must always exercise diligence in documenting their revenues and profits. They must also be abreast of emerging regulatory developments to avoid pitfalls.

Commercial Litigation: Exploring Trends, Updates, and Challenges Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic


Commercial litigation is among the many areas of law affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in several case delays and significant business litigation proceeding restrictions. Furthermore, the currently implemented remote hearings also add a great deal of uncertainty and this will likely continue for a period of time as in-person arrangements are not possible yet. These issues bring further complexities and challenges in the determination of proceedings and trials, thus creating a crucial need to be conversant with the nuances of the situation and other updates.

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