Single Webcasts

Single Webcasts


Knowledge Group: Single Webcasts

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$69 | Includes CLE/CPE | Materials | Recording


Knowledge Group: Single Webcasts

Live and Recorded

Be “In the Know” by viewing one of our top-rated webcasts live or on-demand. Explore our diverse catalog of CLE and CPE courses covering a broad range of topics across many practice areas. The Knowledge Group webcasts feature leading thought leaders and experts from a variety of industries providing up-to-date, quality content.

Click “Search for Webcasts” below to find and register for the course that you need.

Single Webcasts

View Your Webcasts & Plans:

Preventing Ransomware Attacks: A Practical Guide to Enhancing IT Security and Resiliency,
Speaker Preferred Package (Online Payment)
Asbestos Litigation: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Defense Strategies,
New York Online CLE Bundle
Pennsylvania Online CLE Bundle
California Online CLE Bundle
Supercharging Privilege Review With AI, Analytics, and Automation,
The Hows and Whys of Child Abuse Reporting: A Comprehensive Ethical Guide for Lawyers,
Understanding R&D Tax Credits and Amortization: Navigating Changes and Maximizing Benefits,
Maximizing Your Innovation ROI: R&D Tax Credits in 2024 and Beyond,
Winning Patent Litigation: Essential Strategies and Tactics,
Asbestos Litigation: What's Changing in 2024 and Beyond,
Cartel Investigations: A Blueprint for Defense,
Navigating the Evolving Patent Damages Landscape: Key Insights and Best Practices,
Demystifying Economic Sanctions: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy,
Antitrust 'No-Poach' Agreement Enforcement: Key Focus Areas in 2024,
Practical Trademark Perspectives from U.S. and Canadian Counsel,
Effectively Manage KYC Compliance: Keep Up with the Times by Getting Back to Basics,
OFAC Regulations and the Economic Sanctions Compliance Programs: Best Practices,
'Zombie' LIBOR for USD Contracts: Navigating the Critical Issues, ,
Calculating Lost Profits in Construction Claims: A Practical Guide,
False Claims Act and COVID-19 Implications: Key Considerations and Best Practices, ,
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