Broadcast Date: Tuesday, March 08, 2022
from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (ET)


The damaging effects of money laundering continue to be a global threat today. Not only do they pose risks to economic stability and the overall financial system, but they also constitute significant threats to national security.

At the heart of this fight against money laundering and other crimes linked to it is – compliance. With the intensified global efforts that are being geared towards bolstering AML enforcement, the call to devise an all-encompassing compliance program becomes more important now than ever.

Listen as a distinguished panel of thought leaders and professionals brought together by The Knowledge Group provide the audience with an in-depth discussion of the recent and emerging developments in BSA/AML enforcement. Speakers, among other things, will present strategic practices to boost compliance amidst the ever-changing legal and regulatory landscape.

Key topics:

  • BSA/AML Regulatory Developments
  • Enforcement Priorities
  • Characteristics of an Effective AML Compliance Program
  • Helpful Compliance Tips and Strategies
  • What Lies Ahead

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify recent enforcement actions, updates on AML/CFT priorities, and the latest developments in countering money laundering at national and international levels
  • Determine the changes in regulating virtual currency transactions and the compliance risks related to cryptocurrency-based crimes
  • Recognize the potential and importance in using emerging technologies for AML compliance and supervision


Course Level:



Advance Preparation:

Print and review course materials


Method of Presentation:

On-Demand Webcast; Group-Internet Based



General Knowledge of AML Law


Course Code:



NY Category of CLE Credit:

Law Practice Management


NASBA Field of Study:

Business Law – Technical


Total Credits:

2.0 CLE

2.0 CPE (Not eligible for QAS (On-demand) CPE credit)

Speaker Panel:

Ian M. Comisky, Partner
Fox Rothschild LLP

Mr. Comisky is the Chair of International Compliance with the law firm of Fox Rothschild LLP.  Mr. Comisky concentrates his practice in the areas of anti-money laundering compliance and complex corporate and commercial litigation.  Mr. Comisky is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business and the University of Pennsylvania Law School.  Mr. Comisky is the co-author of Tax Fraud and Evasion which contains chapters dealing with money laundering, financial institution compliance, asset forfeiture and related issues.  Mr. Comisky has represented individuals and entities in connection with domestic and foreign bank account reporting and regulatory issues and has represented foreign financial institutions in connection with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) and Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”) compliance.  Mr. Comisky has also been retained on Bank Secrecy Act (“BSA”) compliance matters, including entity and individual penalty issues, and has been retained in money laundering and asset forfeiture cases. Mr. Comisky has lectured extensively on the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020.   Mr. Comisky also handles other commercial litigation including civil and criminal tax litigation, RICO class action, securities and other complex commercial disputes primarily in federal courts in Philadelphia and Florida.  Mr. Comisky is an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School teaching a course in money laundering. Fox Rothschild is a full-service law firm with 21 offices coast to coast. Key practice areas include Bankruptcy, Corporate, Gaming, Employment, Entertainment, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Privacy & Data Security, Real Estate and Tax.

Dennis Miralis, Partner
Nyman Gibson Miralis

Dennis Miralis is a leading Australian defence lawyer who acts and advises in complex domestic and international criminal law matters in the following areas: international money laundering; white-collar and corporate crime; serious fraud; cybercrime; international asset forfeiture; international proceeds of crime law; bribery and corruption law; transnational crime law; extradition law; mutual assistance in criminal law matters; anti-terrorism law; national security law; criminal intelligence law; and encryption law.

He appears in all courts throughout Australia and regularly travels outside of Australia for complex international / transnational criminal law matters.

Eric Bensky, Shareholder
McGonigle, P.C.

Eric A. Bensky focuses on securities litigation and enforcement, with an emphasis on representing prime brokers, clearing firms, and other broker-dealers in court, arbitration, and regulatory investigations and disciplinary proceedings.  Over the past several years, he has represented broker-dealers and their personnel in regulatory examinations, investigations, and enforcement proceedings concerning anti-money laundering obligations, particularly with respect to the monitoring, investigation, and reporting of potentially suspicious activity.  Non-broker-dealer clients have included a leading national and international bank, a major mutual fund complex, public companies and their officers and directors, individuals and entities suspected of or charged with insider trading, investment advisory firms, and hedge funds.

Jesus Ornelas, Senior Director
FTI Consulting

Jesus is a Senior Director and a member of the Financial Services Practice at FTI Consulting. His expertise and skills include knowledge of BSA/AML, KYC and OFAC regulatory policies. At FTI Consulting, Mr. Ornelas has been a contributing leader in a wide range of engagements with multinational banks and financial services companies. Mr. Ornelas has consulted with clients on evaluating risks of money laundering, terrorism financing and KYC due diligence functions. On several assignments, Mr. Ornelas conducted independent reviews of client policies, procedures and processes supporting KYC functions, such as Customer Identification Programs and Customer Due Diligence. He has also been responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of client compliance training programs and the effectiveness of internal controls.



Ian M. ComiskyPartner

Fox Rothschild LLP

  • Emerging corporate formation information issues
  • Status of regulatory framework for virtual currency
  • Reporting of real estate transactions


Dennis MiralisPartner

Nyman Gibson Miralis

  • Recent international developments in countering money laundering through the United Nations crime suppression treaties
  • Recent enforcement action cases in the Asia Pacific
  • Updated typologies published by the APG Group


Eric BenskyShareholder

McGonigle, P.C.

Broker-Dealers’ Suspicious Activity Monitoring and Reporting

  • The Broker-Dealer SAR Rule
  • Potential Impact of Recent FinCEN Priorities on Broker-Dealer AML Programs
  • Transactions Drawing Regulators’ Scrutiny
  • Findings and Sanctions in Recent Enforcement Actions


Jesus OrnelasSenior Director

FTI Consulting

  • AML technology opportunities and risk management
  • Emerging risks related to cryptocurrency-based crime
  • Fraud-related regulatory priorities

Date & Time:

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (ET)

Who Should Attend:

  • AML Lawyers
  • AML/BSA Compliance Managers/Officers
  • Chief Compliance Officers
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Banking and Finance Lawyers
  • Financial Auditors
  • Financial Reporting Officers
  • Internal Auditors
  • VPs and Directors of Finance
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Ian M. ComiskyPartner
Fox Rothschild LLP
Dennis MiralisPartner
Nyman Gibson Miralis
Eric BenskyShareholder
McGonigle, P.C.
Jesus OrnelasSenior Director
FTI Consulting



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