In an era marked by unprecedented challenges, the healthcare industry is at the forefront, bearing the brunt of the global pandemic's economic repercussions. Amidst rising costs, declining reimbursements, and increasing competition, distressed healthcare restructurings have become increasingly commonplace.
Restructuring Hospitals Post-Pandemic: What You Should Know About the Value of Bankruptcy
lazupardo2023-09-28T23:20:03-04:00The primary cause of the escalation of financial hardship among healthcare institutions can be attributed to the "COVID hangover" which resulted in a surge of labor and supply expenses due to nursing shortage and persisting supply chain complications. Consequently, numerous hospitals are contemplating bankruptcy as a plausible alternative for restructuring their operations.
Demystifying Trust Liquidation and Post Confirmation in Bankruptcies: A Comprehensive Guide
Ahmed Zidan2022-12-25T22:17:25-05:00In the face of a global pandemic, bankruptcy mechanisms have become increasingly relevant. With the spike of COVID-19-related business bankruptcy filings, post-confirmation liquidation and litigation trusts have been utilized more frequently. However, the role of these methods in the resolution of Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases also highlights the need for an in-depth understanding
Trends and Developments in Distressed Debt, Restructurings and Workouts: Best Practices to Avoid Risk Issues
Iwork OJT2022-09-29T04:39:28-04:00In today's ever-evolving market economy, proper financial planning and effective risk prevention practices for businesses have been more crucial than ever. With distressed debts becoming more rampant, workouts and restructuring measures should be given more focus. Furthermore, significant court rulings under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code must also be followed to avoid future litigation that could result in claw-backs and fraud claims.
A Practical Guide on Distressed Debt, Restructurings, and Workouts: What You Need to Know and Do
TKG2022-12-29T03:20:16-05:00The economic turmoil brought by the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a wave of distressed companies. Because of today's chaotic economic landscape, these distressed companies need to be more well versed in dealing with their debts and obligations. With the unprecedented challenges of managing distressed debts in the backdrop, both lenders and creditors will need to explore available options such as restructurings and workouts with increased prudence.