Broadcast Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2022
from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (ET)


Sales tax automation allows organizations to focus on growth without fear of noncompliance. When relying on manual processes or disjointed compliance systems, the likelihood of error increases and teams may spend more time correcting compliance mistakes than managing other financial tasks.

With the rise in omnichannel operations and experienced employees moving out of current roles, organizations need to employ automation where data from multiple business systems is consolidated and there is confidence in the tax being reported to respective departments of revenue. Automating tax determination, exemption certificate management and sales tax filing with integrated tools is the most efficient and simplistic way to accomplish streamlined compliance processes.

During this session, Sovos experts will help you:

  1. Identify the bottleneck(s) in your existing workflows by defining best practices for managing tax determination, exemption certificate management and sales tax filings
  2. Understand what questions to ask when exploring automation tools
  3. Recognize how sales tax automation can re-energize finance teams to support business growth, reduce the costs associated with maintaining compliance and improve organizational efficiency

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn best practices for managing the different functional areas of sales tax to effectively meet compliance and regulatory demands.
  • Discover the potential advantages and disadvantages of automation tools in streamlining tax functions.


Course Level: 



Advance Preparation: 

Print and review course materials


Method of Presentation: 

On-demand Webcast (CLE) / Group Internet Based



General knowledge of tax laws


Course Code:



NASBA Field of Study:

Computer Software & Applications – Non-technical


Total Credit:

1 CPE (Not eligible for QAS (On-demand) CPE credits)

Speaker Panel:

Kelvin Hagen, Senior Sales Engineer

As a senior sales engineer, Kelvin helps companies navigate sales tax technology transformations and assists in improving their operational efficiency by finding solutions that impact IT and tax professionals daily. Kelvin has been in the tax compliance software industry for five years, with the vast majority spent in the sales and use tax line of business. He initially started on the Sovos support team and has worked with legacy software and a wide range of source systems. Kelvin specializes in SAP and custom integrations.

Michele Guindon, Manager, Sales Engineer

Michele has been with Sovos since February and has made herself well known as a veritable source of customer, industry, technology, and consulting experience and expertise since then with our SUT and VAT technology and sales teams. She has previously worked for Best Buy in their Indirect Tax Technology department for Point of Sale and E-Commerce solutions and has more than 10 years of project management consulting and implementation experience. She leads the Pre-Sales Sales Engineers solutioning for our customers for Solving [Indirect] Tax For Good! Michele uses collaboration and best practices to align these with the principles that the SE teams follow, build upon, and are held to.


Kelvin HagenSenior Sales Engineer



Michele GuindonManager, Sales Engineer



  1. Identify the bottleneck(s) in your existing workflows by defining best practices for managing tax determination, exemption certificate management and sales tax filings
  2. Understand what questions to ask when exploring automation tools
  3. Recognize how sales tax automation can re-energize finance teams to support business growth, reduce the costs associated with maintaining compliance and improve organizational efficiency

Date & Time:

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (ET)

Who Should Attend:

  • Tax Compliance Officers
  • Sales Tax Compliance Analyst
  • Sales Tax Accountants
  • Sales Tax Managers
  • Tax Directors
  • Tax Accountants
  • Tax Managers
  • Tax Specialists/Analyst
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • Chief Compliance Officers
  • Controllers/Comptrollers
  • VPs/Directors of IT
  • IT Managers/Analysts



Kelvin HagenSenior Sales Engineer
Michele GuindonManager, Sales Engineer



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