Broadcast Date: Tuesday, December 07, 2021
from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (ET)


The onset of the pandemic last year has led to a dramatic increase in the adoption of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) within the healthcare industry. With the use of leading information technology (IT) services and medical devices, RPM provides a holistic and improved approach to patient monitoring while saving costs and minimizing in-person interactions and examinations.

However, along with the rising shift to RPM is the challenge for healthcare service providers to successfully integrate an effective data collection and transmission software into their systems, thus harnessing further RPM potentials and the way providers deliver their services remotely.

Join a panel of key thought leaders and practitioners assembled by The Knowledge Group as they bring the audience to a road beyond the basics of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and as they delve into an in-depth analysis of the current healthcare trends. The speakers will provide helpful tips in leveraging the use of technology in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. They will also offer practical strategies in choosing and employing the best software or solution for a better RPM outcome.

In a LIVE Webcast, the speakers will discuss:

  • The Rise of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and How It Works
  • Benefits and Advantages of RPM
  • Challenges and Pitfalls
  • Software Integration for Better RPM
  • Tips and Strategies
  • An Outlook of What’s Ahead



Course Level:



Advance Preparation:

Print and review course materials


Method of Presentation:

Recorded Webcast



General knowledge of telehealth/remote patient monitoring


Course Code:



Speaker Panel:

Dr. Mark Clements Ph. D., Endocrinologist and Medical Director
Children's Mercy Kansas City

Dr. Clements is recognized as an expert in diabetes data analytics with broad patient care and clinical research experience. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Chemistry (1993) at Butler University, Indianapolis, IN. Following, Dr. Clements earned his Medical Degree (2003) and PhD in Developmental Neuroscience (2003) at Washington University, St. Louis, MO. His previous training in the Medical Scientist Training Program at Washington University School of Medicine provided a strong foundation in basic science research. Dr. Clements trained as a clinical researcher at Children’s Mercy Hospital, where he has applied his skills to clinical trials of new diabetes treatments, clinical trials of treatments designed to prevent type 1 diabetes, intervention development research and risk prediction/health outcomes research in type 1 diabetes. He is Associate Professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He served as Pediatric Chair of the T1D Exchange Clinic Registry from 2016-2019 and currently serves as data science co-lead for the T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative. He has a particular interest in the application of predictive analytics, real-time data listening, and digital health therapeutics to positively transform diabetes care.



Diana Ferro, Ph. D., Ph.D. Research Scientist & Assistant Professor
Rising T1DE Alliance

Diana Ferro is Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor at Children’s Mercy Kansas City in the Rising T1De Alliance, a quality improvement and research initiative to get in front of clinical problems by forecasting them and rapidly test innovative digital and behavioral interventions to improve those outcomes. She has 10+ years of experience in research and development. Dr. Ferro graduated with honors at the University of Munster (Germany) and completed her postdoctoral training at the University of Arizona (USA). Her unique training combines philosophy, ethics, statistics, biology, data science, and medicine.  She believes that a multidisciplinary approach is the key to groundbreaking discoveries. She was selected for the “Junior Research Award” by the Italian Association of Developmental and Comparative Immunobiology for her accomplishments. She is committed to facilitating innovation by combining multiple research fields into a unifying framework that can allow researchers to address complex questions and improve the quality of type 1 diabetes care. In addition, she is passionate about mentoring early-career women in science, encouraging them to overcome the countless obstacles they face during a career in STEM. She works with the Rising Tide Alliance Team to implement predictive analytics, match the right patient to the right intervention, and enable real-time, data-driven decision-making to improve type 1 diabetes outcomes in youth and adults.



Svetlana Kurklinsky Ph. D., Director of Clinical Research
Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences

Dr. Svetlana Kurklinsky is a Director of Clinical Research at Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences. Where she supervises the operations of all the clinical research. In her role she manages budgets and staff. Her other activities are development of new PIs and protocols. She facilitates the collaboration with The National Center for Wellness & Recovery and formation a collaborative effort with VA for comprehensive research efforts in NE Oklahoma. Dr. Kurklinsky got her BS in Molecular biology and Physiology at University of Belgrade, and PhD in Molecular Neuroscience at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in Rochester, MN. Dr. Kurklinsky has both basic and clinical research expertise. Her research interest is in biology of Chronic Pain.




Dr. Mark Clements Ph. D., Endocrinologist and Medical Director

Children's Mercy Kansas City

  • The value RPM can play in treating children with diabetes.


Diana Ferro, Ph.D., Ph.D. Research Scientist & Assistant Professor

Rising T1DE Alliance

  • Integrative technologies to support quality improvement in health care and predictive analytics


Svetlana Kurklinsky Ph. D., Director of Clinical Research

Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences

  • How Covid catalyzed the usage of technology in clinical trials.
  • The main technologies that were used in the last 18months.


Date & Time:

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (ET)

Who Should Attend:

  • Health Care Providers
  • Chief Medical Officers
  • Chief Nursing Officers
  • Medical Records Directors
  • Directors of Health Information Management
  • Chief Compliance Officers
  • Chief Executive Officers
  • Chief Information Officers
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Chief Technology Officers
  • VPs and Directors of IT
  • Medical Billing and Coding Specialists
  • HIPAA Compliance Officers
  • HIPAA Privacy Officers


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Cartel Investigations: A Blueprint for Defense,
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Demystifying Economic Sanctions: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy,
Antitrust 'No-Poach' Agreement Enforcement: Key Focus Areas in 2024,
Practical Trademark Perspectives from U.S. and Canadian Counsel,
Effectively Manage KYC Compliance: Keep Up with the Times by Getting Back to Basics,
OFAC Regulations and the Economic Sanctions Compliance Programs: Best Practices,
'Zombie' LIBOR for USD Contracts: Navigating the Critical Issues, ,
Calculating Lost Profits in Construction Claims: A Practical Guide,
False Claims Act and COVID-19 Implications: Key Considerations and Best Practices, ,



Dr. Mark Clements Ph. D.Endocrinologist and Medical Director
Children's Mercy Kansas City
Diana Ferro, Ph. D.Ph.D. Research Scientist & Assistant Professor
Rising T1DE Alliance
Svetlana Kurklinsky Ph. D.Director of Clinical Research
Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences



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