Broadcast Date: Thursday, July 30, 2020
from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (ET)


The Alice Corp. Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank decision created a big shift in the patent law landscape, particularly in the evaluation of patent subject matter eligibility. Thus, leading to the rise in patent eligibility cases. However, the Alice decision’s flawed and vague interpretation left litigants and trial courts in sheer confusion.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently released a revised patent subject matter eligibility guidance on the evaluation of patent-eligible subject matter, which seeks to clarify Alice’s interpretation. This new development continues to shape the patent law landscape. While the future remains uncertain, it is essential for businesses and their counsel to be in the know of updates to keep them guided and avoid pitfalls.

Listen as intellectual property lawyers Sterling Fillmore (Workman Nydegger) and  James Signor (Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.) present the audience with an in-depth discussion of the implications of Alice on patent enforcement. Speakers will dig deeper as they analyze critical issues in light of emerging trends and developments, and offer practical tips and strategies to avoid pitfalls in this rapidly changing legal climate.

This LIVE Webcast will discuss the following:

  • Trends and Updates in the Patent Law
  • Subject Matter Eligibility: The Post-Alice
  • Issues in Evaluating Patent Eligibility
  • Notable Cases and Rulings
  • Risk Mitigation Strategies
  • Best Practices
  • What Lies Ahead


Course Level:



Advance Preparation:

Print and review course materials


Method of Presentation:

On-demand Webcast (CLE)



General knowledge of patent laws


Course Code:



NY Category of CLE Credit:

Areas of Professional Practice


Total Credit:

1.0 CLE

Speaker Panel:

Sterling Fillmore, Shareholder
Workman Nydegger

Sterling D. Fillmore counsels clients in all aspects of intellectual property. He works with companies of all sizes, ranging from global multinational corporations to small startups and single inventors. He also serves universities, both in and outside of Utah, in procuring patents in both the U.S. and abroad. Mr. Fillmore has extensive experience in all matters of patent prosecution, including the preparation and filing of patent applications in the U.S. and abroad, conducting examiner interviews and post-examination proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

Prior to law school, he studied physics and spent nearly four years working on research involving ferritin protein nanobatteries and indium-doped semiconductor nanocrystals. Mr. Fillmore also counsels clients in patent infringement and validity opinions, licensing of intellectual property rights, freedom to operate, and due diligence of IP portfolios during acquisitions and mergers.

James Signor, Partner
Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.

James Signor is a U.S. patent attorney based in the Frankfurt, Germany office of Leydig, Voit & Mayer.  Mr. Signor primarily focuses his practice on serving European clients in all aspects of U.S. intellectual property law.  He has over 10 years of experience in drafting and prosecuting patents in diverse technologies.  In addition to his strong patent prosecution practice, he works closely supporting clients in making informed business decisions and in enforcing and commercializing their IP.  This has involved drafting numerous opinions on patent validity, patentability and the freedom to operate, in addition to drafting petitions for reexamination and Inter Partes Review, assisting in patent infringement litigation, counseling with respect to litigation-related matters, performing due diligence and negotiating and drafting license and joint development agreements.  Mr. Signor’s practice has a particular emphasis in the mechanical, electrical and computer fields.



Sterling FillmoreShareholder

Workman Nydegger

  • Review of background and effect of Alice decision before courts and USPTO
  • Takeaways from USPTO study April 2020 study of “Adjusting to Alice
  • How to consider and reduce uncertainty of patents granted since USPTO Revised Guidance of January 2019
  • Review of helpful recent Federal Circuit decisions regarding patent eligible subject matter


James SignorPartner

Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.

  • Evolution of Alice since Supreme Court decision.
  • Practical considerations for drafting applications and claims in view of Alice.
  • Guidance for addressing Alice rejections in the USPTO.
  • Related considerations for computer-implemented inventions.
  • Application of Alice to Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies.

Date & Time:

Thursday, July 30, 2020

3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (ET)

Who Should Attend:

  • Patent Lawyers and Consultants
  • Patent Agents
  • Intellectual Property Lawyers and Consultants
  • Patentees
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Sterling FillmoreShareholder
Workman Nydegger
James SignorPartner
Leydig, Voit & Mayer, Ltd.



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