Intellectual Property Law (CLE)

The ITC Section 337 Investigations: Trends, Development, and Issues


Patent investigations brought under International Trade Commission (ITC) have seen an upward trend in recent years. Consequently, as several types of products and components are imported in the U.S., an increase in patent litigation is also expected – a scenario that may put a large number of U.S. companies and their consumers at risk.

What’s New in the Trademark Law Landscape: Regulatory Trends and Challenges Explored


What's new in trademark law in the age of COVID-19?  Join seasoned trademark law experts, Stephen Jadie Coates (Coates IP) and Maureen Shannon (Rivian Automotive), as they discuss how the ramifications of the pandemic has impacted the practice of trademark law and their perspective on such changes.  Speakers will also discuss recent cases and upcoming regulatory changes. They will also provide the audience with practical strategies for managing trademark issues in a rapidly evolving legal climate.

Inter Partes Reviews & Post Grant Proceedings: Winning Strategies in the 2020 Battlefield


Inter Partes (IPR) and Post Grant Reviews (PGR) have become an essential part of the patent litigation battlefield.  With Patent Office priorities and Federal Circuit decisions such as Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc. constantly changing the landscape for these proceedings, it is imperative for all patent litigants to be well-versed with recent Federal Circuit decisions as well as recent decisions that the Patent Office has designated Precedential or Informative.

Surveys in Trademark Litigation


Consumer surveys are one of the most powerful tools available in trademark or trade dress infringement cases, deceptive advertising, class action cases, and many other types of litigation. Yet despite the success of surveys in bringing about favorable settlements, many attorneys are still not familiar with the basics of consumer surveys and how they can be used.

Trade Secrets Management: Exploring Best Practices in the Remote Work Environment


Trade secrets are considered as one of the most valuable assets in any company and the need to effectively manage and protect these must be prioritized at all times. However, as companies continue to grapple with remote work arrangements, taking reasonable management and precautions for trade secrets has become more complex and challenging.

Obviousness-Type Double Patenting (ODP): Demystifying Recent Trends and Significant Court Rulings


In the U.S. and Canada, courts have designed the doctrine of obviousness-type double patenting (ODP) to prevent inventors from gaining an unjust extension of their patent rights by obtaining patent on the obvious variants of an invention. By rejecting and invalidating ODP, courts prevent the manipulation of issue dates and patent rights by patentees.

Effective Intellectual Property Damages Calculation: A Comprehensive Guide


Effective calculation of intellectual property damages is a crucial factor in any IP litigation. However, with significant court cases constantly shaping the process, several risk issues including apportionment analysis, royalty base issues, and damages calculation methodologies must be carefully considered to avoid unwanted risks and pitfalls.

Trade Secret Misappropriation: What You Should Know and Do


The year 2020 has seen an upsurge in the number of disputes and investigations concerning trade secret misappropriation, and this is expected to continue in 2021. Currently, a significant number of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigations revolve around "Chinese technology theft," which are done either by using insiders or any cyber means. Further complicating the trade secret protection landscape is the new risks posed by the recent shift of companies to remote work.

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