Cybersecurity & Privacy

Turning the Tide of Time-to-Market: How to Accelerate IIoT Product Development with Blues & Prodigy


Some estimates suggest that the time to market for IIoT-connected products has increased by as much as 80% over the last 4 years, leading to increased R&D costs. Join experts from Blues and Prodigy as they explore why the time to market for connected products is increasing dramatically and how they are using a combination of deep IIoT engineering expertise and innovative technology to help them bring their customers to market faster than ever. Along the way, you’ll pick up valuable insights into how you can accelerate your own project’s development while steering clear of common pitfalls that stifle progress and lead to endless spins and PCB re-designs.

Essentials of an Effective Third-Party Risk Management Framework: A Practical Guide


Establishing effective third-party vendors has been at the forefront of business development strategies today. With the current remote workforce setup, the importance of having efficient vendors to streamline complex business processes has been underscored, and more companies started depending on several third-party software to help with their operations. This growing reliance on vendors and other service providers, however, has opened newer risks of breaches and has intensified the call for organizations to employ a third-party management framework that is not only effective, but is also holistic.

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