Maine CLE Requirements: Maine attorneys must complete 12 CLE credits, including at least one (1) credit of Ethics and one (1) credit of Harassment & Discrimination.
Compliance Deadline: January 01
Reporting Deadline: Last day of February
Compliance Cycle: Annual
Approval of Programs: The Knowledge Group does not automatically submit CLE application for all our programs in Maine. Attendees seeking approved credits should send an email to [email protected] for more information.
Program Format: The Knowledge Group LIVE Webcasts qualify as live presentations in Maine. There is no limit to the number of credits a Maine attorney can earn via live presentations. View our list of LIVE Webcasts.
The Knowledge Group Recorded Webcasts qualify as self-study in Maine. Attorneys are limited to five (5) credit hours of self-study presentations per compliance period. View our list of Recorded Webcasts.
ME CLE Reporting Procedure: The Knowledge Group does not submit attendance report to Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar.
COVID-19 Update: Effective March 13, 2020 and until further notice, any in-person participation requirements for continuing legal education, including but not limited to the requirement in M. Bar. R. 5(c)(3), are hereby suspended and participation may be by an electronic medium.
For Newly Admitted Attorneys: Any new attorney who completes the Maine State Bar Association’s Bridging the Gap program in the year of admission is granted an exemption from the CLE requirements for that year and for the following calendar year.
For more information ME CLE, contact Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar at:
Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar
97 Winthrop Street
P. O. Box 527
Augusta, Maine 04332-0527
Phone: (207) 623-1121
Email: [email protected]