Hawaii CLE Requirements: All attorneys admitted to practice in Hawaii shall complete three (3) credit hours of continuing legal education each year and at least one (1) credit hour of ethics every three years.
Compliance Deadline: December 31
Reporting Deadline: December 31
Compliance Cycle: Annual
Approval of Programs: The Knowledge Group does not submit application for CLE credits in Hawaii. Attorneys may seek individual course accreditation for unapproved courses in behalf of sponsors. Attorney applications and proper fees must be received by the Hawaii Board of CLE no later than 30 days after the completion of the course for which the attorney is seeking approval.
Hawaii CLE Program Format: The Knowledge Group webcasts qualify as alternate format in Hawaii. There is no limit to the number of credits a Hawaii attorney can earn via TKG’s webcasts. View our list of LIVE Webcasts and Recorded Webcasts.
HI CLE Reporting Procedure: The Knowledge Group does not submit attendance report to Hawaii Board of CLE.
For Newly Admitted Attorneys: Each Hawaii attorney licensed to practice law who elects active status in the year in which he or she is licensed shall not be required to comply with the required three (3) CLE hours for that year.
For more information regarding HI CLE Requirements, contact Hawaii Board of CLE at:
Hawaii State Bar Association
Alakea Corporate Tower
1100 Alakea Street, Suite 1000
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808-537-1868
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.hsba.org