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  • CLE: 1.5 Credits | Broadcast Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 from 3:00 to 4:30 PM ET | Price Includes CLE & Recording
  • CLE: 1.0 Credit | Broadcast Date: Monday, August 23, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (ET) | Price Includes CLE & Recording
  • CLE: 1.5 Credits | Broadcast Date: Monday, January 11, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (ET)| Price Includes CLE & Recording
  • Knowledge Group: Single Webcasts

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    $69 | Includes CLE/CPE | Materials | Recording
  • Join an elite group of accounting professionals who are earning CPE and paying less. Be “In the Know” and subscribe to our monthly CPE Tax, Accounting and Finance webcast package, and have access to our entire catalog of live and recorded CPE webcasts for a low monthly fee | Will automatically renew upon expiry unless a cancellation request is received.
  • Subscribe to our Annual Access Pass and save big time | One-time low fee gets you access to all of our webcasts for a full year | Will automatically renew upon expiry unless a cancellation request is received. Want to try this first for free? Start your free 14-day trial now! Click here.
  • Join an elite group of fellow attorneys who are earning CLE and paying less. Be “In the Know” with new programs added each month featuring high-quality content from leading experts across the country, covering various practice areas and emerging topics in the legal domain. Browse our diverse collection of legal programs to see what’s right for you. Subscribe to our Monthly CLE Law webcast package and have access to our entire legal catalog of LIVE and Recorded CLE webcasts for a low monthly fee | Will automatically renew upon expiry unless a cancellation request is received.
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