By: Editorial Staff, Date: April 18th, 2023
Protecting AI inventions can be challenging due to their complex and multifaceted nature. This infographic provides insights into the strategies companies can use to patent their AI innovations
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Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection: Resolving Complex Issues in Business Reorganizations
The recent months have seen an uptick in bankruptcy filings as a continued result of the economic distress brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the increasing concerns for inflation, rising interest rates, labor shortages, and market volatility, access to bankruptcy protection is indispensable, especially for financially distressed companies. While taking refuge from the debt crisis doesn't come without a cost, reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code offers a viable way for many businesses to have a fresh start and get back on track. However, businesses must still be wary of the potential drawbacks amid the shifting regulatory climate of bankruptcy law.