Wisconsin CLE Requirements: All attorneys admitted to practice in Wisconsin shall complete thirty (30) credit hours of continuing legal education including three (3) legal ethics and professional responsibility credits.
Compliance Deadline: December 31
Reporting Deadline: February 1
Wisconsin attorneys are divided to two compliance groups:
- Attorneys admitted in an even-numbered year report in even-numbered years.
- Attorneys admitted in an odd-numbered year report in odd-numbered years.
Compliance Cycle: Biennial
Approval of Programs: The Knowledge Group does not automatically submit CLE application for all our programs in Wisconsin. Attendees seeking approved credits should send an email to [email protected] for more information.
Program Format: The Knowledge Group LIVE Webcasts qualify as live courses in Wisconsin. There is no limit to the number of credits a Wisconsin attorney can earn via live programs. View our list of LIVE Webcasts.
The Knowledge Group Recorded Webcasts qualify as repeated on-demand in Wisconsin. Attorneys are limited to ten (10) credit hours of repeated on-demand courses per reporting period. Legal ethics and professional responsibility credits cannot be earned via repeated on-demand. View our list of Recorded Webcasts.
WI CLE Reporting Procedure: The Knowledge Group does not submit attendance report to West Wisconsin Board of Bar Examiners. Attorneys must self-report their attendance via electronic reporting system.
COVID-19 Update: The Wisconsin Supreme Court has extended an order that allows attorneys to obtain up to 30 continuing legal education (CLE) credits “on-demand” through Jan. 31, 2022. Legal ethics and professional responsibility must still be completed with live on-online programming or in-person courses.
For Newly Admitted Attorneys
Wisconsin CLE Requirements For Newly Admitted Attorneys: Wisconsin lawyers admitted in 2015 are not required to report their CLE credits until February 1, 2018.
For more information regarding WI CLE, contact Wisconsin Board of Bar Examiners at:
Supreme Court of Wisconsin
Board of Bar Examiners
110 East Main Street, Ste. 715
P.O. Box 2748
Madison, WI 53701-2748
Phone: (608) 266-9760
Website: https://www.wicourts.gov/services/attorney/edu.htm