CPE Requirements: All accountants admitted to practice in Kansas shall complete 80 hours of CPA CPE are required every 2 years.
Subject Area Requirements:
CPA Ethics: 2 hours of ethics CPE
Accounting & Auditing: Minimum 16 hours per year if a licensed municipal public accountant with 8 hours of the 16 being in the area of municipal accounting or auditing
Compliance Deadline: 6/30 biennially based on certificate number (even number = even years; odd number = odd years)
Reporting Period: 7/1 to 6/30 biennially; even certificate number = even years; odd certificate number = odd years.
Compliance Cycle: Biennial
Approval of Programs: The Knowledge Group meet the NASBA/AICPA CPE Standards for Group-Internet Based Courses.
The Knowledge Group, LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority of the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.
Program Format: Group-Internet Based
NASBA Registry
Website: www.nasbaregistry.org
For more information, contact Kansas Board of Accountancy
Kansas Board of Accountancy
Landon State Office Building
900 SW Jackson, Suite 556
Topeka, KS 66612-1239
Phone: 785-296-2162
Fax Number: 785-291-3501
Website: www.ksboa.org
Disclaimer: In an effort to make The Knowledge Group an even greater resource for individuals who are subject for continuing profession education (CPE), the details above is for information purposes only. The Knowledge Group does not warrant accuracy and completeness since the regulations per state boards are subject to change. We suggest that you contact your state board for any further questions you may have.
In no event shall The Knowledge Group be liable to any person or business entity for any special, direct, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages as a result of any information gathered from this.