By: Editorial Staff, Date: February 11th, 2022

Most business organizations across different industries remain reliant on outsourcing to gain a competitive edge—a trend that also reveals the growing third-party security risks. When businesses contract with third parties, they open a critical aspect of their operations to vendor-related risks and threats.

Poor vendor management program should be considered as a major threat by business leaders today. Companies failing to assess vendors thoroughly suffer significant financial, compliance, operational, and reputational damages.

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As the threat of cybercriminals and attackers continues to magnify, new waves of attacks are anticipated to emerge—further highlighting the urgent need for organizations to implement a robust vendor management program.

Moreover, vendor risk assessments provide a clear picture of third-party risks that organizations are exposed to, hence it is the responsibility of the company to conduct a thorough assessment of its third-party providers to avoid unnecessary pitfalls.

To protect your brand and reduce the risks of third parties, ProcessUnity utilizes Vendor Risk Management to streamline third-party risk management programs.

Download our expert guide and take your third-party risk management program to the next level.

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AI Inventions and Patents: Drafting Patents for Successful Licensing and Enforcement of AI Technology

In the ever-changing field of artificial intelligence (AI), innovation serves as the foundation for progress. The act of patenting AI inventions goes beyond a mere legal procedure; it is a strategic step that safeguards your intellectual property, opens doors to commercial success, and advances technology. However, the journey to patent AI technology is far from straightforward, with a landscape filled with nuances, complexities, and unique challenges.

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