
ERISA 101: Comprehensive Insights into Fiduciary Duties


By: Editorial Staff, Date: July 23rd, 2024 ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) is a federal law that sets minimum standards for retirement and health plans in the private sector. One of its key components is the fiduciary duty, which requires plan sponsors and fiduciaries to act in the best interests of the plan participants and beneficiaries. Understanding the fiduciary duties established by ERISA is essential for plan sponsors and administrators. But who qualifies as an ERISA fiduciary, and what are their duties? This article will define who qualifies as an ERISA fiduciary, outline their duties and responsibilities, [...]

ERISA 101: Comprehensive Insights into Fiduciary Duties2024-07-24T01:33:54-04:00

Filing an ERISA Claim? Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide!


By: Editorial Staff, Date: July 23rd, 2024 Navigating the ERISA claims process can be complex, but understanding the steps involved can make it more manageable. This infographic guides you through each stage to help ensure your ERISA claim is filed correctly. Discover more insights on navigating ERISA litigation at webcast: NextGen Legal Insights: Unveiling ERISA Litigation Trends Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

Filing an ERISA Claim? Here’s a Step-by-Step Guide!2024-07-24T01:42:08-04:00

The Rise of Class Action Lawsuits in the Digital Age


By: Editorial Staff, Date: July 16th, 2024 Technology plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, transforming the way we interact, communicate, and conduct business. Individuals and businesses alike have relied on technological advancements to make life easier and simpler. However, this increased reliance on technology and the growing presence of online platforms have led to a surge in class action lawsuits related to data privacy, consumer protection, and digital rights. Explore the impact of technology on the rise of class action lawsuits and learn how digital platforms mitigate risks to avoid class action lawsuits in this article. [...]

The Rise of Class Action Lawsuits in the Digital Age2024-07-16T04:58:45-04:00

Should You Join a Class Action Lawsuit? Pros and Cons


By: Editorial Staff, Date: July 16th, 2024 Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of joining a class action lawsuit is crucial to ensure it is the right choice for you. Explore the pros and cons of participating in a class action lawsuit with our informative infographic. Gain valuable insights on class action litigation at our webcast: Class Action Litigation: A Comprehensive Guide to Recent Developments and Best Practices Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

Should You Join a Class Action Lawsuit? Pros and Cons2024-07-16T05:06:25-04:00

Patenting AI-Assisted Inventions: USPTO’s Guidelines on Inventorship


By: Editorial Staff, Date: July 9th, 2024 As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various industries, its integration into inventions presents new challenges for patent law, particularly in the area of inventorship. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has actively addressed the complexities associated with AI-assisted inventions. In an effort to incentivize and protect human ingenuity in the age of AI, the USPTO published guidance, effective February 13, 2024, which provides a framework for determining whether a person can be named as an inventor for an AI-assisted invention. This article delves into USPTO’s guidance on AI-assisted [...]

Patenting AI-Assisted Inventions: USPTO’s Guidelines on Inventorship2024-07-16T04:32:55-04:00

AI, ML, and Software Inventions Patents: Practical Guide for Innovators


By: Editorial Staff, Date: July 9th, 2024 Navigate the complexities of patenting AI, ML, and software inventions to ensure your innovations receive the protection they deserve. Explore this practical guide for patenting these inventions. Discover more insights and gain expert advice at our webcast: Breaking Ground: Mastering Patent Eligibility in the Realm of ML, AI, and Software Innovations Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

AI, ML, and Software Inventions Patents: Practical Guide for Innovators2024-07-16T04:21:21-04:00

Asbestos: The Toxic Mineral Harming Our Planet


By: Editorial Staff, Date: June 25th, 2024 Asbestos, a natural fibrous mineral known for its remarkable durability, heat resistance, and insulating properties, has been widely used for decades in construction. Automotive, and various industrial applications. However, behind its usefulness lies a sinister secret—asbestos fibers are hazardous to both humans and the environment. This article will explore the environmental consequences of asbestos, examining how its production, use, and disposal have affected our ecosystems, and highlighting the critical steps needed to protect our planet from its harmful effects. Environmental Impact of Asbestos Soil Contamination: Asbestos is naturally found in certain [...]

Asbestos: The Toxic Mineral Harming Our Planet2024-07-16T03:54:22-04:00

Caution! The Health Hazards of Asbestos Exposure


By: Editorial Staff, Date: June 25th, 2024 Asbestos poses a serious health hazard to those who inhale or ingest its toxic fibers. Discover the health effects of asbestos in this infographic. Gain more insights at our webcast: Asbestos Litigation: What’s Changing in 2024 and Beyond Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

Caution! The Health Hazards of Asbestos Exposure2024-07-16T03:45:00-04:00

The Ripple Effect: How Third-Party Data Breaches Impact Your Business


By: Editorial Staff, Date: June 4th, 2024 Companies are increasingly relying on third-party vendors, suppliers, and partners to operate efficiently. However, this growing dependence on third-party services also exposes businesses to heightened vulnerability to data breaches. When a third party experiences a data breach, the consequences can ripple throughout the entire supply chain, affecting businesses in numerous ways. Such breaches can lead to financial losses, legal liabilities, and damage to customer trust and relationships. For businesses, understanding the potential impact of third-party data breaches is imperative for taking necessary precautions in data protection. In this article, we will [...]

The Ripple Effect: How Third-Party Data Breaches Impact Your Business2024-06-25T02:58:42-04:00

Safety First: 9 Foolproof Ways to Prevent Third-Party Data Breaches


By: Editorial Staff, Date: June 4th, 2024 Explore the strategies that businesses may consider to fortify their defense against the threat of third-party data breaches. Check out this informative infographic! Gain more insights at our webcast: The Cost of Third-Party Data Breaches: How to Avoid a Financial Disaster Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

Safety First: 9 Foolproof Ways to Prevent Third-Party Data Breaches2024-06-25T02:50:56-04:00

Non-Compete Agreements: Are They Right for You?


By: Editorial Staff, Date: May 28th, 2024 Non-compete agreements protect trade secrets by preventing employees from working for competitors for a specified period after leaving the company. While they can safeguard sensitive information, they also have significant drawbacks. Discover the pros and cons of non-compete agreements in this infographic! Explore further insights on non-compete agreements at our webcast: How to Navigate Employment Contracts: Understanding the FTC’s Ban on Noncompete Clauses Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

Non-Compete Agreements: Are They Right for You?2024-06-25T02:25:37-04:00

The Anatomy of Cartel: Types, Impact, and Legal Implications


By: Editorial Staff, Date: May 15th, 2024 Cartels, which have been around for centuries, significantly influence market competition, pricing, and consumer welfare, leading to serious consequences for competition and market efficiency. They can be found in a variety of industries, such as in oil production and the illegal drug trade. These collusive arrangements often result in artificially inflated prices, reduced consumer choice, and hindered innovation. Moreover, they undermine the principles of fair competition and create barriers to entry for new competitors, ultimately harming both consumers and the overall economy. Understanding cartels is essential for grasping their implications on [...]

The Anatomy of Cartel: Types, Impact, and Legal Implications2024-05-30T02:35:39-04:00

A Guide to Cartel Investigations Procedure


By: Editorial Staff, Date: May 15th, 2024 Cartels are illegal practices that restrict market competition, and uncovering these activities involves a complex process. Check out the cartel investigation procedures in this infographic. Discover more insights on cartel investigations at our webcast: Cartel Investigations: A Blueprint for Defense Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

A Guide to Cartel Investigations Procedure2024-05-30T02:25:35-04:00

How Digital Assets are Shaking Up Economic Sanctions


By: Editorial Staff, Date: May 8th, 2024 More and more people are turning to digital currencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, for their financial needs, drawn by their convenience, security, and potential for investment growth. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, its potential to bypass traditional financial regulations is becoming increasingly evident. Due to the anonymity and decentralized nature of these currencies, authorities are facing challenges in enforcing economic sanctions. A report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in December 2023 stated that digital assets pose risks in implementing and enforcing sanctions. The GAO found that sanctioned actors [...]

How Digital Assets are Shaking Up Economic Sanctions2024-05-30T02:09:17-04:00

A Look at the Many Faces of Economic Sanctions


By: Editorial Staff, Date: May 8th, 2024 Economic sanctions have become a common tool used by governments to influence the behavior of other countries. Explore the various forms of economic sanctions in this infographic. Learn more at our webcast: Demystifying Economic Sanctions: Strategies for Success in a Global Economy Upcoming Webcasts Upcoming Webcasts back

A Look at the Many Faces of Economic Sanctions2024-05-30T01:54:02-04:00
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