Specialized Knowledge (CPE)

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Valuation Issues: Demystifying Trends, Updates, and COVID-19 Implications


With the ongoing economic turmoil and financial strain brought by the COVID-19 outbreak, valuation issues in Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases are expected to become more complex and challenging for companies. Because valuation plays an integral aspect in determining a Chapter 11 bankruptcy case, companies seeking reorganization during these economically challenging times must be aware of the potential issues that may arise before or during the process. Additionally, they must be in the know of the ever-changing legal revamps of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy valuation process to successfully address any potential or ongoing petition.

Business Interruption Insurance: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic is drastically affecting today’s global economy. Because of temporary closures and disrupted supply chains and sales, businesses today are confronted with profound income losses. This fallout has prompted an upsurge in business interruption insurance claims. Whether standard commercial policies provide coverage for virus-related income loss is hotly contested, however. Likelihood of recovery on such claims will depend on the terms and conditions of individual policies, as well as ongoing developments in litigation and legislation.

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